Asalamu Alaykum parents and members,
We hope this email reaches you all in the best health and Iman. As
educators and parents, we are establishing a program for our older youth.
This long neglected initiative is something which our youth needs and will
be overseen by Fadi El-Ghussein and Shaimah Hamdan.
The idea is to have a series of events and casual hangouts for teenagers,
both boys and girls, between the ages 13-25 years in order to bond and
feel a sense of belonging to both the masjid and the community. We hope
that this will be the start to new friendships and the building blocks of
creating the next generation of ICCNY leaders.
Our first event will be a Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 1st at
ICCNY. The event will start at 6:30pm and food will be provided. Please
share this information with your teenagers, family and friends.
For more information or in order to RSVP, please contact
Fadi at or
or reach out to brother Fad by phone at 816-325-9321.
We hope this event is the start of future fun and bonding events Inshallah.
Jazakum Allah Khair and AsalamuAlaykum.
ICCNY Events.