Please contact us by e-mail, phone or letter at: 

Islamic Cultural Center of New York (ICCNY) Stamford 1558 Washington Blvd, Stamford, CT 06905, USA Email: Message on Facebook: ICCNYStamford   Directions to ICCNY

Entry to the ICCNY center is only possible from the East bound portion of Washington Boulevard. West bound traffic should continue to intersection of Washington and Bridge street and make a left hand side u-turn onto East bound Washington blvd traffic.

Additional Parking available at 30 W Washington Ave, Stamford CT 06905
  • Start at ICCNY
  • Head south on Washington Blvd toward Linden Pl
  • Take 1st right onto Linden Pl
  • Turn left onto W Washington Ave
  • Park at the Open plot on the right