Statement on the Mass Casualty Suicide Attacks on Churches and Hotels in Sri Lanka It is with immense sorrow that we awoke to the senseless horror of coordinated suicide attacks on several […]
Stamford Police Meeting
Asalaamu walaikum Brothers and Sisters, You are invited to join us for a question and answer session with representatives from the Stamford Police Department on July 14, 2017 at […]
Summer Program / Family Night 2017
Bismi Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Assalaamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh Dear Members of […]
Ramadan Kareem 2017
Asalaamu Walaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, RAMADAN KAREEM! I am happy to announce that tomorrow 5/27/2017 marks the first day of Ramadan 1438. Taraweah will start tonight after isha’a prayer at the mosque. Please join […]
First day of Shaban
Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh Dear Members of the […]
ICCNY Distinguished Guests 2016
AA Brothers and Sisters, Please join us at the ICCNY (2nd floor) this Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 12:00pm for a short program. We are also very pleased to have a special […]
Mawlid Al Nabi
Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh Dear Members of the […]
ICCNY Fundraiser
Aslamu Alykum I hope you all are well. ICCNY Community member are planning to do fundraising during Jumma prayer on November 25. Inshah Allah, in order to raise money for […]
Prayers Needed for Br. Mohamed El Nahass
AA Dear Brothers and Sisters and Members of the ICCNY Community, I just received some alarming news of one of our long time Members, Br. Mohamad El-Nahass. He had a […]
Condolences to the Minty Family
INNA LILLAHI wa INNA ILAYHI RAJOAON Iإِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّاإِلَيه رَاجِعُون Asalaamu Walaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with deep sadness that I must inform you of the passing of Dr […]