Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful: Asalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh, Dear Brothers and Sisters of The ICCNY […]
Day of Ashurah
Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Asalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh Dear Brothers and Sisters of The ICCNY […]
Robotics Club 2016
Islamic New Year 1438
Asalamu Walaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Sunday or Monday marks the start of the Islamic New Year 1438. The ICCNY Board of Trustees would like to extend their best […]
Sunday School Registration 2016-17
Aslamu Alykum Dear Parents Hope everyone had a great summer and are doing well. Alhamdullilah, we are about to start the Sunday School for year 2016-17. Registrations on Sept 10th […]
Eid ul Adha 2016
Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim – In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh Dear Members of the ICCNY Community, ستبدأ […]
The Fourth of July and the End of Ramadan
DEIRDRE DALY – 07/06/2016 In the end, anti-Muslim vitriol itself undermines our security. Hateful and vicious rhetoric only strengthens the evil of terrorists who rely heavily on the narrative that America […]
Condolence msg for Dr. Ahmed Morad
***Condolence message for Dr. Ahmed Morad*** Note: Message received on 7/14. Posted on 7/15 INNA LILLAHIea wa INNA ILAYHI RAJOAN Asalaamu Walaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters, It […]
Prayers for Dr. Ahmed Morad
AA Brothers and Sisters, I am deeply saddened to share the news of our Dear Friend and Brother, Dr. Ahmed Morad, who is one of the original Founders of our […]
Eid ul Fitr 2016
Asalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh Bism Allah Al Rahman Al Rahim In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful, I am writing to inform you that Insha […]